Program Teachers meeting STEAM for all LTTA Drachten November 2021
Sunday, October 31st
Arrival hotel Drachten
Monday, November 1st
9:00 welcome by the head teacher mr. Gert Schooten and acquaintance.
9:30 tour through the school
10:00 introduction to computational thinking
10:30 coffee break
11:00 lecture by Prof Dr. Paul Drijvers, University of Utrecht about computational thinking
12:15 lunch break
13:00 lecture by Dr. Jos Tolboom, curriculum development foundation about the future of STEM as
14:30 Discussing about computational thinking and how to use STEAM in our schools and why it will
be important for the students.
16:00 end of this day program
Tuesday, November 2nd
8:10 lessons by the foreign colleagues about life at your school or a talk about our project.
Colleagues 1e uur: 8:10 – 8:55 2e uur: 8:55 – 9:40
Ana, Raul and Paulo 0.24 KSR V4 1.08 BTR V5/V6
Pinar and Emel 0.15 SPJ V4 0.15 JGE V5
Johanna and Heli 1.17 ZIJ A3 TTO 2.21 DTD V5
Halil and Sedat 0.28 BAR A1 TTO 0.06 SPL V4
Johanna, Thuridur and Vala 2.03 HHT G2/A2 TTO 2.03 EER V4
09:45 coffee break
10:15 start with programming in Python with the modules Turtle, Rover and the micro bit by mr.Bert Wikkerink
Within the modules of Turtle, Rover, and the micro bit there are so many possibilities that we determine during the course what we will do in which order considering the interests and capacities of the participants.
12:15 lunch break
13:00 programming in Python with the modules Turtle, Rover and the micro bit
15:00 presentation about our bilingual department by Mrs. Jelleke Wierdma
16:00 end of program
Wednesday, November 3rd
8:30 visiting other locations of our school
10:00 coffee break
10:30 programming in Python with the modules Turtle, Rover and the micro bit
12:15 lunch break
13:00 programming in Python with the modules Turtle, Rover and the micro bit
15:00 presentation at Innovation lab
16:00 end of program
Thursday, November 4th
8:30 programming in Python with the modules Turtle, Rover and the micro bit
10:00 coffee break
10:30 programming in Python with the modules Turtle, Rover and the micro bit
11:45 lunch break
13:00 visiting University van Hall Larenstein in Leeuwarden: presentation and a guided tour in water application center
15:30 visiting the Steam Cathedral in Lemmer
18:00 dinner at “Het Witte Huis” in Olterterp
Friday, November 5th
8:30 Evaluation of the week; writing reports
Proposal: – Monday morning by Datca
– Monday afternoon by Finland
– Tuesday by Portugal
– Wednesday by Adana
– Thursday by Iceland
– Friday by the Netherlands
10:00 coffee break
12:00 lunch break
13:00 visiting Groningen: climbing the Martini Tower; listening to “real heavy metal” and a walking tour through Groningen
17:00 end of program
Saturday, November 6th